Chutes and Ladders

Have you ever had this day? You are on a high and then life sends you back down the chute just when you think you’ve almost made it. My intention when setting out on this journey was to share both the exciting and the difficult moments. My hope is to help other people see that it’s not always perfect or easy. After all, the big lesson behind Saving Soup is how failure is just part of the process. I will tell you, some days I HATE that lesson. Hitting that brick wall is never fun.  What I have learned after riding the chute more times that I care to count is this: just stop.   Don’t make any decisions or take any action, just stop.  I like to call it my “pity party”.   Take time to fully let the disappointment move through you and feel the anger, pain, sadness, etc.  Step away from it all for a moment and watch stupid tv, take a walk, take a nap, or, my favorite, eat chocolate.  It may take a day, or it may take a few days but eventually it will pass, or you will run out of chocolate.  Then it is time to start again and trust that you are on the right path.  At least, in this moment, that’s what I’m going to believe in.  

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