Just Jump

Jumping off the high dive is much easier the second time you are standing on the board. The first time you climb that ladder and look down at the pool below, it can be frightening.  Through your own experience of jumping, you learn that even though there is an element of fear, it is also exciting and empowering.  The next time up that ladder gives you a rush.  The fear is still there but it all feels much safer now that you know what happens after the jump.

Launching the show was much like jumping off the high dive for the first time. There was a great deal of fear. I played in my head everything that could go wrong. Feeling physically ill, I tried to delay. Fortunately, my husband was there to encourage me and, yes, nudge me a little. Once I jumped, I knew there was no going back. Despite all of the reasons I told myself that I would fail, I still hit the submit button. The truth is, of course, nothing bad came from making that decision. As a matter of fact, it was greeted with a great deal of positive support.

As I anxiously wait to release Episode 2, I have been reflecting at how different this climb has been from the first. There is still so much to learn and so much unknown ahead, but I look forward to it all.

What are you holding off completing because of the fears living inside your head?  It’s time to quiet the mind. Take a risk.  Climb the ladder.  Jump.